Where Is Kiersten Jeter Now In 2022? Meet The Surviving Daughter Of Debra And Lee Jeter

Kiersten Jeter was assaulted by her mother, Debra Jeter, in an abandoned house off of I-77 near Hillsboro on June 5, 2009, and she survived with severe injuries. Where Is Kiersten Jeter Now? 

Kristen Jeter and Kelsey Jeter were slashed in the necks by their mother Debra Jeter at an abandoned house off of Interstate 77 in Hillsboro, Texas.

In 2004, Jeter was charged with physically beating her older daughter, Kiersten, but the charges were dropped after Debra Jeter underwent mental health treatment.

Where Is Kiersten Jeter Now In 2022? 

After the incident on June 5, 2009, Kiersten Jeter survived, and many people are curious about her current whereabouts.

However, as she has avoided the media, there is no information about Kiersten Jeter’s whereabouts.

Maybe she is concentrating on her profession and succeeding in her life. Debra, Kiersten’s mother, was the one who first attacked her with a knife.

Debra Jeter was sentenced to life in prison, and it is likely that she is currently completing her sentence.

The plea agreement, which avoided the possibility of a death sentence, saved her surviving daughter from testifying in court.

Police spotted Jeter and her 12-year-old daughter Kelsey in an abandoned residence along Highway 77.

Kiersten, who was 13 at the time of her mother’s attack, was bleeding profusely and fighting for life.

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Story Of Kiersten Jeter – Surviving Daughter Of Debra And Lee Jeter 

Kiersten Jeter and her sister were overjoyed to see their mother Debra, and Debra drove them to an abandoned house off Interstate 77, just before route 35, in Milford.

Kiersten was initially attacked with a knife by Debra Jeter. Kiersten shouted for her sister to run while fending off her mother.

While attempting to defend her sister, Kiersten was stabbed in the back. Debra slit Kelsey’s throat, and she died in the abandoned house’s bathroom.

Debra returned to Kiersten and slashed her across the neck, severing her airway and one of her main arteries.

Despite her serious injuries, she remained alive and conscious, begging her mother for help.

Debra Jeter called police three hours after picking up her children to report the crime, stating, “I just killed my children.”

Kelsey was killed in the attack. After being found in the abandoned house’s bedroom, Kiersten was airlifted for immediate emergency surgery and survived.

Kiersten Jeter Age: How Old Is She?

Kiersten Jeter, who was 13 at the time of the 2009 incident, is now 26 years old.

Debra had stabbed her with a knife, and she was bleeding and barely alive.

After being discovered in the abandoned house’s bedroom, she was evacuated for immediate emergency surgery and survived.

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