Is Neil Rankin Related To Paul Rankin? Relation Between Chef And Author Discussed

Identify Paul and Neil Rankin are related to each other or not. What you need to know about their relationship is provided here.

Paul Rankin and Neil Rankine both have the same last name. Additionally, both of them are employed as chefs. Therefore, it seems sensible that many individuals could believe they are connected.

Are they therefore connected? We have gathered all the data necessary to determine if they are connected or unconnected. Find out by reading on.

Neil Rankin is not Paul Rankin’s relative. But both of them are well-known chefs. So it is undoubtedly astonishing to learn that they are unrelated even though they were both born in Scotland.

Additionally, both chefs have the same last name. But they both work in the same field. Furthermore, it is unknown if these two experts have ever interacted.

Besides the fact that they are unrelated, Paul Rankin is 61 years old, yet he seems to be in his 30s or 40s. So Neil is significantly younger than Paul Rankin in comparison.

In addition, Paul and Jeanna Rankin had been wed for 25 years. Sadly, the pair parted ways in 2011.

Does Paul Rankin Have Son?

There are not many details related to the chef’s children. Paul and Jeanne Rankin spent more than 25 years of marriage. In 2011, their marriage terminated peacefully.

While working at the renowned London restaurant Le Gavroche in the 1980s, Paul Rankin and Jeanne became friends. She began working there as a waitress, while he began as a dishwasher. They soon moved into the kitchen and started working there.


Neil has experience working as a chef director for the London-based Temper network of restaurants. In addition, the Chef director is a simple food plant-based business shareholder.

The creator of Simplicity Foods worked on the secret ingredient for two years before founding the company. The private components were specifically for special plant-based meat and cheese products.

Insights On Neil Rankin Family

There is a lot of interest in Neil Rankin’s family. Sadly, there is no information available regarding his family. The proprietor of Simplicity Foods has kept the details of his partnerships very discreet.

As a result, no one on the internet is aware of his marital status. Neil Rankine entered the culinary world quite late.

The recently graduated physicist focused only on French cuisine during his studies for a profession in gastronomy. However, he also had a long career as a restaurant worker.

In addition, the Scottish chef began his career in fine dining before transitioning to barbecue cuisine. He was chosen as the head chef at the first Pitt Cue in Soho because of his outstanding abilities.

Rankin recently sold off the majority of the Rankin Group to pay off corporate obligations, leaving him in control only of the flagship Cayenne restaurant, albeit even this was undergoing IVA negotiations. Because of the effectiveness of this IVA, bankruptcy was avoided.

But on Sunday, March 24, 2013, the restaurant officially shuttered its doors. According to Rankin, two reasons for the shutdown were the city’s disruptive demonstrations and unfavorable economic conditions.

Rankin had an appearance on The X Factor: Battle of the Stars in 2006 alongside fellow chefs Ross Burden, Aldo Zilli, and Jean-Christophe Novelli. Additionally, he appeared on the television show Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

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